1,614 words today
I seem to have trouble writing anywhere other than home; I should work on this! :-) I'm not sure I'll be finishing this week, but if not this week than next.
a writer...writing...about writing
I seem to have trouble writing anywhere other than home; I should work on this! :-) I'm not sure I'll be finishing this week, but if not this week than next.
0 words today. I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm actually becoming sentimental about 'ending' the book. Not that I won't be struggling through rewrites and editing for months, but I have to say I'm a little hesitant about finishing it. And sure, I've got a new project to start after I'm done. But still. I don't quite want it to end, and it's getting so close that I know soon the first draft will be completed. I suppose I want it to last a little longer, like savoring all the moments with an 18 year old child before they go away to college.
It's amazing how much you can write when you get stuck in the minds of your characters...I swear the last 500 words are simply 'she thought this' and 'she thought that.' (Whisper: I love rough drafts)
I'm dazing a bit today, but still managed to get a few words out so far. I'm going to start experimenting with writing at different parts of the day; unfortunately it's hard to write when my husband's home from work.
I found some words! I actually got into a zone where I wasn't paying attention to word count or page count...I need to keep this in mind, that this is what I'm striving for. At some point recently I stopped expecting to become involved in the WIP, I stopped expecting to lose myself in it. And so of course my motivation went down - that's part of the joy of writing, when you forget everything else. Now I feel my motivation is partially back. Until tomorrow of course, mwah hah hah (that's my evil internal 'you can't write' voice laughing, FYI)
I wrote, I didn't get far and can't escape the nagging feeling that my WIP is void of meaning or excitement. It really sucks. But I'll get through it...
I took Friday off from writing because I've been having a lot of trouble getting the words out lately. It felt wrong. So I hope this means on Monday (or Sunday, if I decide to write in the hotel we'll be staying at) the words will come more willingly. I'm not counting on it...I'm imagining an all-out struggle for the next two to three weeks to get the first draft of my first 'real' novel finished. But we'll see.
Getting slightly back on track. Working on a scene with four people in it...getting the feeling that my mix of slightly humorous moments and very serious moments is making the work seem unfocused. Oh well! Who cares. That's what rewrites are for.
Another slow day. The forward motion is becoming a problem...a post in Absolute Write about mid-book blues says if you are going to quit, this is the time you will do it. I will not quit. I'll keep plodding along...waiting for the light to shine somewhere in my feeble little mind. Maybe it would help if I read over the last few days' writing...
77,366 total.
It recently occurred to me that I could use this blog as something other than a word-count journal (besides, I have my little mini-notebook where I keep the numbers). What a concept, huh?
Much of yesterday's writing is now has a note to "CUT THIS" in the rewrite, but that's okay. I'm trying to relax with two of my major characters right now...then as soon as I figure out what's going on I can throw them back into the fray. Nothing wrong with a little makeout scene just for the hell of it, eh? I didn't even get there today, my characters are too busy drinking and ordering pizzas. I know my scenes are way too long, but I don't care. Just getting up the energy to write even when I don't quite know what I'm doing is enough for me.
71,573 total.
Tonight I perused Stephen King's On Writing for a little while. It made me feel better about my WIP's condition right now. Specifically, there was a line about endings:
"And why worry about the ending anyway? Why be such a control freak? Sooner or
later every story comes out somewhere."
Grand Total: 68,535
grand total from yesterday: 66,145.
An okay day. I had to keep looking at my notes though to get back in the story, maybe because I took the last two days off. I never take days off from thinking about the story, trying to figure out how I will end it, etc. But I take two days off from the actual writing.
Every single day, I deal with the voices in my head. The ones that say, "God, there's been a million books about that" or "That sentence? Sure didn't look that way in your head" or "You got a long way to go before you're gonna be a real writer" or "This is just plain boring." I could go on and on, I assure you.
62,732 total.
59,994 total.
57,458 total.
Things are going well. I'm also working on some short story submissions, and even thinking of gathering some of my old poetry to submit for publication. I need to get some credits under my belt, as well as a healthy pile of rejections. ;-) I'm trying to decide between starting with small, more realistic markets or being egotistical and sending to big name places.
Another good day of writing. I'm finding that I'm gaining momentum in this phase of the story.