Tuesday, August 09, 2005

added 1,313 yesterday but only a measly 258 today

grand total from yesterday: 66,145.

Yesterday was great. About an hour after I had finished my main bulk of writing, I just felt that I had to keep writing; I think it was something about finishing that particular scene. So I wrote a little over a thousand more words and was quite proud of myself.

But it backfired today. Actually it's probably not so much that as the fact that I had some other things that seemed to have more priority (that was dumb...but I got it done and don't have to think about it for another couple weeks) and I wanted to get those done first; these things ended up taking up my whole morning and most of the afternoon (as I knew it would...). Also, I read a whole book last night: Evanovich's Two for the Dough, it's one of her Stephanie Plum novels. I don't think I should have done that. Now instead of visualizing my characters, I'm seeing the guy my protag. is interacting with as Joe Morelli. Dammit.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, after my mind has relaxed a bit. I've been toying with the idea of slacking off, today was my day to do it, so tomorrow it's back to business. And no more Stephanie Plum novels until I'm done! Now I'm going to have to reread half of my freakin' draft just to remember where I'm trying to go with this...


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